The Dementia Respite Care Grant
CVCOA offers respite grants to support the health and well-being of the caregiver and to help loved ones be cared for at home.
CVCOA’s Respite Grant Helps Support Caregivers
CVCOA offers respite grants to support the health and well-being of the caregiver and help loved ones be cared for at home.
This grant provides funds typically up to $1000 to unpaid family caregivers of individuals with an irreversible dementia.
It is intended to help unpaid family caregivers get additional support, allowing them the chance for rest and renewal.
Grant awards can be used to pay for adult day services, to hire a respite care provider, or to hire help for personal care or homemaker tasks.
To be eligible, the care recipient must:
- Live at home within the CVCOA service area
- Have a physician’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or a related progressive dementia
- Meet income eligibility requirements
- May not be participating in the Choices for Care Long-Term Medicaid program, Veteran Directed Program or the Attendant Services Program
Other requirements apply.
View The Full Dementia Respite Care Grant Eligibility And Application Instructions
Kinship Respite Grant
Kinship Respite Grants are available to individuals 55 years and older who are the primary guardian for a minor in their care. Funds may be used for child care in the home, outside the home or at youth activities. Contact Barb Asen at 802-476-2681 or [email protected].
Small respite grants for family caregivers not served by the programs above may be available. To inquire, contact Barb Asen at 802-476-2681 or [email protected].