Who We Help & Where
Serving adults 60 and older living in Central Vermont, their caregivers, partners and families.
CVCOA is one of five Area Agencies on Aging serving seniors and their families in Vermont.
CVCOA serves adults 60 and older living in Central Vermont, their caregivers, partners and families without discrimination and regardless of income. For certain programs, we may provide services for younger adults with disabilities.
We serve the 54 towns of Central Vermont: all towns in Washington, Lamoille, and Orange Counties (except Thetford), as well as the towns of Bethel, Hancock, Granville, Pittsfield, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, and Stockbridge.
Towns outside the CVCOA service area are served by one of these other agencies:
- Age Well serves Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties (except for towns of Granville and Hancock)
- Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging serves Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans Counties
- Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging serves Bennington and Rutland Counties (except for towns of Pittsfield, Winhall, Readsboro, and Searsburg)
- Senior Solutions serves Windham and Widsor Counties (except for towns of Bethel, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, and Stockbridge; includes towns of Searsburg, Readsboro, Thetford, and Winhall)