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March 12, 2024 Leanne Hoppe 1.5 min read

Upcoming Exercise Class Leader Training Opportunities

Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA)/AmeriCorps Seniors is looking for volunteers aged 55 and over to lead exercise classes for older adults.

There are two leader training opportunities, one for the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program (AFEP), and one for Falls Prevention Tai Chi (FPTC).  Both programs are evidence-based and improve strength, flexibility, and balance. AFEP also includes low-impact exercises to improve cardiorespiratory endurance. Tai Chi is often described as “meditation in motion.” Volunteers can make a difference by providing an opportunity to enhance community wellness through these exercise programs.

If you have enjoyed taking fitness classes, feel comfortable demonstrating moves others can copy and would like to help others grow, learn, and socialize together, this new adventure might be for you.

For more information, contact Anne Greshin at [email protected] or 802-241-4840.

CVCOA pays training certification fees and provides liability insurance to volunteers who agree to lead at least 16, 1-hour classes.  CVCOA will also support instructors by helping find space, promoting the class, providing any needed equipment, answering questions, and arranging periodic meetings for instructors.

Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Training
Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 58 Barre Street
April 2 (Tuesday), 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Registration deadline: April 1

Additional independent study of a manual and videos required to certify as a Leader.


Falls Prevention Tai Chi Training
Zoom session April 6 (Saturday), 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
and in-person session at Neighborhood Connections in Londonderry
April 20 and 21 (Sat and Sun), 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Registration deadline: March 22

Both Zoom and in person sessions are required for Falls Prevention Tai Chi. Study and practice with Tai Chi Vt videos required before the Zoom session.